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8 benefits and precautions of scented candles

Mar 26,2021 / Industry News / Author: ShengKui

Eight benefits of scented candles:
1. Improve environmental hygiene, remove peculiar smells, decompose second-hand smoke and essential air.
2. Repel mosquitoes, antibacterial, and mites.
3. Soothes irritability, relieves stress, insomnia, headache, and makes the mood happy.
4. enhance resistance, prevent diseases and reduce high blood pressure.
5. Improve the respiratory tract, nasal allergies, asthma and other problems.
6. Balance hormones, activate cells, and prevent aging.
7. refreshing and refreshing, enhance memory.
8. Enhance lung capacity.
Precautions for the use of scented candles:
1) Do not light ordinary candles and scented candles at the same time, because the former will absorb the aroma of the latter.
2) The size of the room will affect the concentration of fragrance. The larger the room, the lighter the scent will be enclosed, and vice versa.
3) Put it in the refrigerator for several hours before use, it can slow down the burning speed of the candle!
4) Try to choose a candle with a larger candle surface. Because when the candle burns, the more wax oil accumulates in the candle area, the stronger the aroma will be.
5) When the candle is burning, please avoid placing it in the windward place, so as to prevent the candle from shaking and tilting, resulting in unsightly phenomenon caused by burning wax. It is recommended to keep indoor air circulation when burning candles.
6) Only one or two fragrances can be used. Our sense of smell will feel numb because of the variety of fragrances. If you have lit more than one candle, choose one with similar scent, otherwise the smell will not be obvious.
7) Trim the candle wick frequently. Excessive wicks will affect the fragrance emission. Trim the candle wick to a length of 0.5~0.8cm when burning (please turn off the flame first). This prevents black smoke from being produced during combustion.